2008 Ended, and I finally comment

16 January 2009 15:36

Typically, I'm not a big fan of New Year's Resolutions, but the beginning of the new year does always bring to mind a list of things that need to be done, as well as provide a point of focus for setting goals for myself.

Looking back at 2008, there were quite a number of things that happened, and things that I did both well and not quite so well.  I did manage to get this blog up and going, but that's a mixed point to me.  I made about 15 posts.  That's all.  Fifteen.  It's not like I feel that I'm slacking by doing that, it just doesn't fulfill the goals of setting this blog up in the first place, which were primarily twofold: Create an online prescene, and hone my writing skills somewhat.  

The first point sort of happened in a round about sort of way.  After a mistake I made concerning my web site, I restructured it, pretty much from scratch.  On the whole, that turned out to be positive.  I dumped DotNetNuke.  I don't have any problem with the product, it's just far too heavy for me to be carrying for what I need my most basic site to do--sans database. The second point really didn't happen.  Fifteen posts aren't quite enough to improve one's writing skill--unless, perhaps they come pretty frequently.  Mine didn't, as they started in May or so, and just randomly showed up.

What else happened?  I lost a little over 30 pounds.  My son spent a week in the hospital with Kawasaki's Disease.  I improved my home office, so I now have walls, heat, and air condintioning, making it a bit easier to work.  I started studying software architecture and patterns in earnest.  I started coding personal projects, including MiVo (my TiVO access application in .Net) and attempting to do some of my own solutions to the Project Euler problems.  I made it to the Atlanta Code Camp.

I even made it back to Oshkosh!

So, on to 2009.  Do I have goals?  Definitely.  Will I call them resolutions?  Probably not.  But I do hope to be more prolific in my writing--and to change my format from these rambling thoughts to something more useful and technical.

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